Fr. John McCarthy: House: 4871180
Emergency No.: 087 0956190
Parish Centre / Sacristy: 4289768
Ring for bookings : Baptisms & Marriages etc.
Weekend Masses
Vigil mass will be in Farran Church Saturday 11th of January at 6pm
Farran: 9.30am.
Ovens: 11.30
Weekday Masses
9.30am: Wednesday & Friday
9.30 am Tuesdays and Thursdays
Weekend Anniversaries
4th and fifth of January
Ovens 6pm
Darragh Guinivan
Farran: 9.30am
Dan O Connor 1st Anniversary
John O Connor
May they rest in peace
Feast of the Epiphany
Monday 6th of January
Mass Times:
Farran: 10am
Ovens: 11.30
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Sunday next, 12th January we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord by St. John the Baptist in the River Jordan.
The Annual Service of Prayer and Thanksgiving for the families of the children baptised in 2024 will be held on that day, January 12th in the church of St. John the Baptist at 3pm.
We hope to see as many families as possible present for the service and afterwards for light refreshments and a chat in the Parish Centre.
The families have been notified
Offertory Collection Boxes
The offertory collection is solely for the upkeep, maintenance, insurance, lighting, and heating and related expenses of both churches.
Could those who have a box number allocated to them, please collect your box from the seat at the bottom of the church.
Parish Calendar 2025
Calendars available in Porches of both churches
A jubilee year is a special time of grace and spiritual renewal, rooted in the tradition of the church and celebrated every 25 years. It is a time for pilgrimage, prayer, reconciliation, and hope. The Holy father has called us to become “Pilgrims of Hope. “ Jou neying together in faith as witnesses of God’s steadfast love in a world longing for healing and peace.
We will formally launch the jubilee Year in The Diocese of Cork and Ross on the Solemnity of the Epiphany, January 6th 2025, with Mass in St. Mary and St. Anne’s Cathedral.
I invite all parishes to join in prayer and celebration on this day, marking the beginning of this sacred year.
In our diocese , the Jubilee year will be deeply integrated into the onging Year of Prayer, Listening, and discernment.
Key events for the Jubilee year.
Local pilgrimage to Gougane Barra
Jubilee of young people (July –August 2025, Rome)
Parish and Family Pilgrimages
The Gift of Plenary Indulgence:
Pope Francis outlined the conditions for receiving this grace;
Sacremental confession
Reception of the Holy Eucharist
Prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father ( eg creed, our Father
Performing a work of pilgrimage or charity, such as visiting a designated holy site, participating in liturgical celebrations,or serving those in need.
Let us Pray that this Jubilee will strengthen our faith, renew our communities, and inspire us to be true Pilgrims of Hope, bringing the Light of Christ into the World.
Fintan Gavin
Bishop of Cork and Ross