Fr. John McCarthy: House: 4871180
Mobile: 087 0956190
Parish Centre / Sacristy: 4289768
Ring for bookings : Baptisms & Marriages etc.
Weekend Masses
Vigil Mass will be in Farran Church Saturday the 8th Of Feb at 6pm
Farran: 9.30am.
Ovens: 11.30am.
Weekday Masses
9.30am: Wednesday & Friday
9.30 am Tuesday and Thursday
Weekend Anniversaries
2nd of Feb
9.30 am
David Gleeson, Ballineadig
8th of feb
Margaret McCarthy, Aglish
9th of Feb
Jack O’Callaghan, Kilcrea
Sunday 2nd of February
Sunday the 2nd of February is the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Blessing of Candles takes place at all Masses this weekend. If People would like to donate Candles to the church, they must be 75% wax Beeswax.
Monday the 3rd of February
Monday the 3rd of February is the Feast of St. Blaize, Bishop and Martyr.
The Blessing of St Blaize is a sign of our faith in Gods Protection and love for us.
The Blessing of Throats will take place immediately after 12.00 Noon Mass in Ovens Church.
Saturday the 8th of Feb
Mass and anointing of the Sick
Special Mass for the sick will take place on Saturday the 8th of February at 12.00 noon in Ovens church Anointing of the Sick will take place immediately after mass.
Jubilee of Youth Pilgrimage
Bishop Fintan will lead a group of fifty young people (18-30 yrs) to Rome, from the 24th of July –4th August for Jubilee of Youth Pilgrimage. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity for our young people to not only meet the Pope, to experience the Eternal City,
but also to be encouraged and inspired as they meet other young people of faith from all continents.
Thousands of young people are expected to travel this Jubilee celebration which only happens every 25yrs in the church.
The Pilgrimage will cost €550 per person (plus fundraising) and will include seven nights half board at the Irish College, Travel Insurance, a 20Kg bag, and a pilgrim kit. There will be a special Launch Evening on Thursday 6th Feb at 7.30pm in Mardyke House(T12W8RP)
Scoil Naomh Mhuire
For a number of Years, we have had great support from some of the ladies of the community who come into our school for a few weeks at the beginning of each year. They usually come for an hour from 3pm on a Friday afternoon and introduce the children in 5th and 6th class to the craft of knitting.
We are always looking for new volunteers to support this venture. If there’s anyone who might like to join our knitters or who may know someone who could come for an hour on a Friday for one, two or a few weeks we’d love to hear from you.
The children greatly enjoy these afternoons as they get a chance to learn something completely different from the usual lessons, and they really enjoy talking to the volunteers and getting to know their neighbours. It is also lovely for the volunteers to get to know their younger neighbours who they might not otherwise meet. We’ve had some very good knitters in the past who have had a great sense of satisfaction when they learned to follow a pattern and completed an item.
If interested please email or ring 021-7331623 any morning up to 12.00
There will be a special collection on Sunday the 9th of February for the Pilgrimage to Lourdes
Piano Donation
If there is an individual, organisation or school, in need of a Piano for church, school or teaching purposes, please contact the Parish Office and we will and forward your interest.