29th October 2023

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Liam O h-Icí: House: 4871180
Emergency No.: 087 0956190
Parish Centre / Sacristy: 4289768
Ring for bookings : Baptisms & Marriages etc.

The Vigil Mass will be in Ovens Church on Saturday next 4th November at 7pm.

Farran: 9.30am.
Ovens: 11.30am.
9.30am: Monday & Friday (1st Friday)
Confessions before 9.30am Mass.
9.30am: Thursday.
10.30am: Friday (Novena for the Dead).


Mass Times
Ovens Vigil Mass: 7pm: Tues. 31st October.
Feast Day:
Farran: 9.30am. Ovens: 11.30am.

Mass Times for the Novena for the Dead
2nd to 10th November (Inclusive)

7pm: All Soul’s Day, Thursday 2nd.
9.30am: Friday (1st Friday).
Following Week: 7pm: 6th to 10th November
9.30am: Thursday 2nd, All Souls Day.
10.30am: Friday (1st Friday).
Following Week: 9.30am: 6th to 10th Nov.

No Saturday morning Masses.

During the month of November we remember in a special way those who have died and we pray for them.
The 1st of November is the Feast of All Saints. On this day we remember all the saints who live at home with God in heaven. Saints are people who showed love for God and love for others during their lives on earth. We learn from their example how to live well and how to love. We can pray to the Saints and ask them to help us to live as Jesus taught us.
During the month of November, but in a special way on the 2nd of November, All Souls Day, we also remember and pray for all those who have died.
On this Friday, 3rd November, at 7pm we have our Annual Mass of Remembrance for those who died during the year, from 1st November, 2022 to November 2023.
The names of those who died will be called out & a family member will be invited to place a light on the Cross of Remembrance and their name on the Tree of Remembrance.

Names of those who died in our Parish during the past year.
Mary McCarthy, Farran 3rd Nov. ‘22
Teresa Crowley, Farran 3rd Dec. ‘22
Nuala Mulcare, Beverly 6th Dec. ‘22
Peggy Cooper, Knockshanawee 7th Dec. ‘22
Catherine Healy, Glanmire 9th Dec. ‘22
Ted Lynch, Lr. Farran 10th Dec. ‘22
Ted Buckley, Mylane 19th Dec. ‘22
Con Lynch, Currabeg 19th Dec. ‘22
Seán Desmond, Kilcrea 22nd Dec. ‘22
Paddy Langford, Farran 29th Dec. ‘22
John Quaid, Knockanemore 11th Jan.
Joan McSweeney, Garryhesta 23rd Jan.
Kathleen Rea, Knockanemore 26th Jan.
Diarmuid Murphy, Currahaly 29th Jan.
Valerie O’Connor, An Crannóg 7th Feb.
Diane O’Keeffe, Kilcrea 4th March
Joe Brennan, Windsor, Ovens 5th March
Nora O’Mahony, Balleneadig 10th April
Marc O’Sullivan, Beverly 13th April
Claire Long, An Crannóg 17th April
Sr. Zita Lynch, Farran & The
Bon Secour Hospital 26th April

Monica Healy, Kilcrea 29th April
Robert Cullinane, Roovesmore 7th May
Niall O’Callaghan, Macroom 13th May
Ruth Morton, Aglish 15th June
Lita Sanchez, Grange 10th July
Anne Murphy, Classis 16th July
Nora Lehane, Clashanure 23rd July
Margaret Conlon Dwyer, Kilcrea 10th Aug.
Johanne Daly, Ballincollig 11th August
John Hourigan, Grange 12th August

Nora Murphy, Currabeg 21st August
Gus Lehane, Knockburden 7th Sept.
Tim Homan, Farran 17th Sept.
Elma Twomey, Farran 25th Sept.
Nora Desmond, The Mara 25th Sept.
Norma O’Leary, An Crannóg 1st Oct.
Rose Murphy, Farran Hill 8th Oct.
Mary Brennan, Grange 22nd Oct.
May they Rest in Peace

Aglish: After the 9.30am Farran Mass.
Ovens: After the 11.30am Ovens Mass.
Athnowen: At 12.45pm. Approx.
Kilcrea: At 3pm.

The Novena for the Dead envelopes now available in the porches of both Churches.

Recently Deceased
Mary Brennan, Grange
May she Rest in Peace.

This Saturday at the 7pm Mass in Farran & at the 11.30am Mass in Ovens. At the beginning of Mass the Fruits of the Harvest will be brought in procession to the altar. The school children from both schools have already in place before the altar beautiful displays of fruit, vegetables etc.

God of Faith,
Your son commanded us to go out and make disciples of all nations.
His Apostles set out on foot: their hearts ablaze with the fire of your Good News.
Today, missionaries continue this work, igniting your love and hope wherever there is hardship, darkness and fear.
We pray that we too will find the courage to join this great mission, in the ways that you call each one of us, to be messengers of love to all we meet.
We ask this through Christ Our Lord.

Come to the Quiet
An Afternoon of Prayer will be held on Sunday, 19th Nov. in St. Benedicts Priory, Beechmount, Cobh. P24 C438.
Gathering for lunch at 12.45pm.
Concluding after Vespers at 5pm. Cost: €25.
Booking essential. 086 3642619.
Organised by the Cork Regional Pioneer Council.

In Farran Hall on Saturday, 11th November at 7pm, a Cork made murder mystery movie, Coast Road, will be shown.
There is nothing like a good old fashioned murder mystery movie on a Winter’s night and this movie was made in Cork. Come along & join friends & enjoy this crowd pleasing, award winning film made by Cork based Hard Bargain Pictures.
You will be supporting a new film project to be made in Cork next year, a ghost story set in 1900 Cork County.
The film’s producer/director will be introducing the film & explaining the new film’s concept.
Tickets €10 and can be purchased at the door on the night.


If you have any unwanted: clothes, shoes, bags, belts, bed linen & curtains (no duvets, towels or soft toys) we would gratefully accept them.
Bags can be dropped into Farran Hall on the following dates: Tuesday, 7th November. 9am to 9.30am & 1.45pm to 3.30pm & 7 to 8pm.
Wednesday, November 8th, 9am to 9.30am & 1.45pm to 3.30pm. Thursday, 9th November, morning only, 9am to 9.30am. Please Support.

Under 16 Premier County Final
Éire Óg V Ballinhassig
At Castle Road.
Monday, 30th October at 3.45pm.