The Parish Office at the centre is open on
Monday morning 10am – 12 noon, Tuesday evening from 5pm to 7pm
& on Thursday morning from 10am to 12 noon.
Phone: 021 4289768
Email: ovensfarranparish@eircom.net
The design was by Dennehy Designs, Watercourse Road, Cork.
Builder was John O’Connor, Kilcrea, Ovens.
Special Parish advisor was Michael Kelleher, Engineer, Aglish.
Stone to match the Church wall was sourced in Cobh, from a building demolished some years ago. Planning permission was received in May 2007, and work began in September 2007. The Official opening was held in May 2008.
The Parish Centre is a great asset to the parish of Farran/Ovens, since its opening in May 2008. It is open during all Church Services. There is a sound system which relays from the Church and the full service can be heard in the Centre.
The monthly meeting of the Parish Assembly is held there on the 3rd Monday of each month. The Community Alert Group use the centre for their meetings, on a regular basis.
Other groups, such as the Ovens/Farran Reading Group, avail of the facility on the 2nd Monday of the month & the flower club hold their meetings on the 1st Tuesday of each month.
Other events are held there as well. The Baptismal Team meet parents and families of babies to be Baptised once a month, usually on a Saturday morning.
The Ovens/Farran Active Circle meet every second Monday & on Wednesday mornings, after the 9.30am Mass. Parishioners meet for a cup of tea and a chat, followed by a game of Bridge.
There are many more plans for the centre in the future.